Samuel Struthers Title

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I am a software engineer with 7+ years of experience creating tools for robotics and manufacturing applications. Skilled in C++, Python, and TypeScript, I am interested in geometric modeling, motion planning, microservice architectures, and build systems. I love designing and prototyping effective and intuitive APIs and GUIs for deploying hardware in industrial and scientific applications.

I currently work at Dirac as a Computational Geometry Engineer. We're developing a product BuildOS which automates the creation of work instructions in manufacturing. I primarily work on back-end geometric modeling and physics simulation infrastructure in Python, and I also contribute integration work to the front-end in JavaScript.

As a Robotics Engineer at Realtime Robotics, I developed a number of key features for the company's robot motion-planning product, RapidPlan. These features included a new user interface (RapidPlan Create), a point-and-click robot workstation modeling prototype (World Builder), and architectural improvements that scaled the system to support control of up to 16 robots. I also wrote reusable modules for hardware-acceleration of motion planning and collision checking algorithms on FPGAs.

As a Software Developer at Nanotronics Imaging, I developed software for an AI defect analysis system for microscopic inspection of semiconductor devices. I was responsible for writing C++ abstractions for motors and sensors, integrating sample-handling robots, and maintaining a Windows MFC desktop application (nSpec).